Pe a aparut stirea ca hackerii romani au spart situl Daily Telegrapf, dupa care au bagat mesajul: "We are sick and tired of seeing how some "garbage" like you try to mock our country. [And try] to create [for us] a completely different picture compared to the real one, and calling us "romanian gypsies". "If you had the nerve to angry an entire country, know that we will not stop here! Romania. Guess What, Gypsies aren't Romanians, morons."
Adica, "tiganii nu sunt romani, fraierilor !". Si pe buna dreptate !
Paradoxul este acela ca, de imaginea Romaniei in loc sa se ocupa guvernul, prin Ministerul de Externe, se ocupa niste tipi scosi in afara legii. ... Tipically romanian ! :))
Inca o dovada ca ceea se intampla azi in Ro sfideaza rationalul.
Si commenturile:
R-E-S-P-E-C-T!By Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 1:18 pmgood job boys!and don*t stop!!
good!!!By Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 3:18 pmhehehe - who's entitled to characterize a country?!!! A bunch of drunk brits.... see first for your problems guys!!
superficialBy Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 4:06 pmLooks like this is what you get when you do a superficial job writing and/or talking about another country, culture or system. Typical! A simple wikipedia will get...
:)By Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 4:20 pmyou deserve this
Good job, RNSBy Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 5:27 pmRNS has my utmost respect for what they did. A lot of Romanians are angry on how they are portrayed in Western Europe, and they have good reason to feel this way....
BBC are just plain stupidBy Anonymous on April 16, 2010, 5:28 pmBBC offends Romanian people with every ocassion. More than that, they are just stupid. In a Top Gear episode made in Romania, they were watching a "romanian auto...
3 comentarii:
Dacă aş fi preşedintele ţării, eu i-aş decora pe băieţii aştia :))
Cred ca mai degraba presedintele ii va pune in zeghe!
Şi pe urmă îi duce în Golden Blitz la un vin şi o vodka :))
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